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Pendry Chicago Drop-In Social

  • 13 Jun 2023
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Pendry Chicago, 230 N Michigan Ave, 24th floor bar

Please join the Chicago Art Deco Society for
A Summer Drop-In Social
Tuesday June 13 from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Pendry Chicago
230 N Michigan Ave, Chicago

Exterior of Pendry ChicagoPendry Chicago is set within the iconic 1929 Art Deco Carbide & Carbon Building

Meet on the 24th Floor Bar — we hope to have some tablesPendry Chicago Lounge, circa 1920sWe will be able to then explore the rooftop deck

Be sure to check out their beautiful Art Deco Lobby as you enter the hotelPendry Chicago LobbyNo reservations or registration required — Buy your own drinks

If you have questions, please contact
Ann Marie Del Monico (amdelmonico@chicagodeco.org)
or Kevin Palmer (kpalmer@chicagodeco.org)
Social Committee Co-Chairs

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